T a k e t h e P L U N G E
Everyone has their own method for waking up; double shots of espresso, a quick workout, and so on. If you’re looking for a quick start to your morning or an afternoon pick-me-up, cold plunging might just be the answer. Many people turn to cold plunging when looking for a new way to boost their daily energy! - Plunge.com
Cold plunge benefits extend beyond the mental and chemical aspects of your body too. Sports medicine has utilized cold water therapy for years, to help with the active recovery of your muscles. - plunge.com
Being immersed in cold water stimulates leukocytes, the white blood cells that help fight off illnesses. It also causes the lymphatic system to contract, forcing fluid through the lymph nodes. This process aids in detoxing the body and strengthening your immune system. A study has shown to substantially lower upper respiratory tract infections. - Plunge.com
Cold plunging has shown the ability to increase your baseline dopamine. Dopamine is the molecule in our brain and body that is linked to motivation. According to Dr. Andrew Huberman, dopamine can enhance our depth of focus and lower our threshold for taking action towards our specific goals. - plunge.com
Researchers have known for a while that it connects to our daily energy. In particular, there is lots of evidence that hormone imbalance can contribute to depression, meaning that a cold plunge might help to reduce depression and improve overall mood! Don't take our word for it though, just ask anyone who has ever plunged! -plunge.com
The boost in norepinephrine you'll get from consistent ice baths has been shown to be up to 5x. This neurotransmitter can dramatically reduce inflammation and help with chronic pain. - plunge.com
Cold water therapy has been shown to be an effective supplemental treatment for stress relief by decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. A study found that regular cold showers and ice baths helped reduce anxiety and improve the mood of participants. - plunge.com
When you dip into the Plunge, your body triggers the autonomic nervous system. This system is a network of vessels and nerves, split into two parts that control your response to stress. When you begin to control your response to stress, you’ll likely find that you begin to control your relaxation and sleep. - plunge.com
T r y o u r S A U N A
For first-time users, start with 10 to 15 minutes. You can add time each session until you reach the suggested time of 20 to 30 minutes. Saunas come with a timer, so make sure to set it. You don’t want to stay in there too long and risk becoming dehydrated.
We recommend a minimum of 3 times a week but as always, listen to your body. Some students will enjoy 4-5 weekly sessions an others may prefer only one!
Make sure you bring towel with you as we cannot allow anyone to enter the sauna without one. When you enter the sauna, you’re entering into a full spectrum infrared heat, medical grade chroma therapy and aroma therapy. Just relax and enjoy. Som students enjoy reading a book. Others like to meditate. Follow your heart!
Yoga attire is perfectly fine. Dress comfortably
Please leave your worries and your shoes at the door! :) They are not allowed in the sauna.
Please make sure you hydrate before (and even during if you’d like) sitting in the sauna.
Please do not enter the sauna if you are feeling unwell or have a fever.
Please talk to your doctor prior to entering the sauna if you have medical conditions or concerns.
cnyou have any of the following conditions:
Asthma or other breathing conditions
Are ill or have a fever
Are Pregnancy
Have very high or very low blood pressure
"Sweat, Plunge, Renew: Dive into Ultimate Rejuvenation by combining Sauna & Plunge!
60minute Sauna + Plunge Sesh: $40
The best way to combine sauna and plunge is to follow a structured routine that allows your body to benefit from both the heat and the cold. Here's what a Sauna + Plunge Session looks like:
Sauna: You’ll begin with the sauna for 15-20 minutes, allowing your body to heat up gradually. This helps increase circulation, opens your pores, and promotes relaxation.
Cool down: Step out of the sauna and let your body cool down naturally for a 1-2 minutes. Step into the shower and take a 3-5 minute cold shower. This transition helps prepare your body for the upcoming plunge.
Plunge: Take a dip in the cold plunge! The cold water helps constrict blood vessels, reduces inflammation, and provides a refreshing contrast to the heat of the sauna. Spend about 5-10 minutes in the plunge.
Repeat the process: Return to the sauna for another session, and then alternate between the sauna and plunge a few more times. The number of repetitions depends on your comfort level and preferences.
Cool down: Finish your combined sauna and plunge experience with a final cool-down phase outside of the sauna. Allow your body to regulate its temperature naturally and rehydrate by drinking water.
Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and duration of each component based on your comfort level. It's also important to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions, before incorporating this routine into your wellness practice.
What is PEMF?
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and to support overall wellness.
What can I expect in class?
Imagine laying on a warmly heated crystal mat. The lights are dim and sound healing music softly plays over the speakers. You have a lavender infused towel over your eyes, a bolster under your knees, a blanket over your body, and your only job is to breathe and relax.
Every PEMF class will consists of 5m Grounding Breath, 10m Progressive Muscle Relaxation, and 30m Guided Meditation (Yoga Nidra).
Students will lay on a heated PEMF mat which will provide: Heated Stone Therapy & Photon (light therapy).